














  经过一番惊天动地的折腾,SUV的音响终于响起,这是一首《GO West》的电子音乐,高亢开朗的旋律充斥在整个车厢、整个大路和整片天空之上:


  Come on,come on,come on,come on


  We will go our way


  We will leave someday


  Your hand in my hands


  We will make our plans


  We will fly so high


  Tell all our friends goodbye


  We will start life new


  This is what We'll do


  Life is peaceful there


  Go West,in the open air


  Go West,Where the skies are blue


  Go West,This is what we're gonna do


  Go West,this is what we're gonna do,Go West


  We will love the beach


  We will learn and teach


  Change our pace of life


  We will work and strive


  I love you,I know you love me


  I want you,how could I disagree?


  So That's why I make no protest


  When you say,you will do the rest


  Go West,life is peaceful there


  Go West,in the open air


  Go West,baby you and me


  Go West,this is our destiny (Aah)


  Go West,sun in wintertime


  Go West,we will do just fine


  Go West,where the skies are blue


  Go West,this is what we're gonna do



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