

    安徒生(Andersen)的童话你看了吗?童话里的丑小鸭(The Ugly Duckling)、国王的新衣(The Emperor’s New Clothes),你都记得吗?安徒生是丹麦(Danmark)人,一八七五年死的,今年正好是一百年。他童话里的小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid),被丹麦人做成铜像,放在首都哥本哈根(Copenhagen)的港口。
    英国以前有一家美人鱼酒店(Mermaid Tavern, an inn once located on Bread Street, Cheapside, in the heart of old London: a meeting place and informal club for Elizabethan playwrights and poests.),是Shakespeare、Ben Jonson等文学家聚会的地方。Ben Jonson也坐过牢。
    英文mermaid有两个意思。1.an imaginary female marine creature,having the head, torso, and arms of a woman and the tail of a fish.2.a highly-skilled girl swimmer, as a member of a swimming team.游泳游得好也叫mermaid。
    爸 爸

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