






The Other Wanderer

Once on a time I met another man of the roads. He too was a little mad, and thus spoke to me:

"I am a wanderer. Oftentimes it seems that I walk the earth among pygmies. And because my head is seventy cubits farther from the earth than theirs, it creates higher and freer thoughts.

"But in truth I walk not among men but above them, and all they can see of me is my footprints in their open fields.

"And often have I heard them discuss and disagree over the shape and size of my footprints. For there are some who say, These are the tracks of a mammoth that roamed the earth in the far past. And others say, Nay, these are places where meteors have fallen from the distant stars.

"But you, my friend, you know full well that they are naught save the footprints of a wanderer."


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