

Table of Contents

SPRING 1. Mushrooms in the city

SUMMER 2. Park-bench vacation

AUTUMN 3 . The municipal pigeon

WINTER 4. The city lost in the snow

SPRING 5. The wasp treatment

SUMMER 6. A Saturday of sun, sand, and sleep

AUTUMN 7. The lunch-box

WINTER 8. The forest on the superhighway

SPRING 9. The good air

SUMMER 10. A journey with the cows

AUTUMN 11. The poisonous rabbit

WINTER 12. The wrong stop

SPRING 13. Where the river is more blue?

SUMMER 14. Moon and GNAC

AUTUMN 15. The rain and the leaves

WINTER 16. Marcovaldo at the supermarket

SPRING 17. Smoke, wind, and soap-bubbles

SUMMER 18. The city all to himself

AUTUMN 19. The garden of stubborn cats

WINTER 20. Santas Children


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