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The Last Battle

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The conclusion of the saga that began with The Magician's Nephew… Narnia … where dwarfs are loyal and tough and strong -- or are they? … where you must say good-bye … and where the adventure begins. The Unicorn says that humans are brought to Narnia when Narnia is stirred and upset. And Narnia is in trouble now. A false Aslan roams the land. Narnia's only hope is that Eustace and Jill, old friends to Narnia, will be able to find the true Aslan and restore peace to the land. Their task is a difficult one because, as the Centaur says, "The stars never lie, but Men and Beasts do." Who is the real Aslan and who is the imposter?

[color=DarkOrange]This copy is shared by [b]Suninvers[/b]. Many thanks![/color]



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